Definitions for "Debt Ratios"
Comparative statistics showing the relationship between the issuer's outstanding debt and such factors as its tax base, income or population.  Such ratios are often used in the process of determining credit quality of an issue, primarily on general obligation bonds or other tax-supported debt.  Some of the more commonly used ratios are (a) net overall debt to assessed valuation, (b) net overall debt to estimated full valuation, (c) net overall debt per capita, and (d) tax-supported debt to personal income.  See: BONDED DEBT; PER CAPITA DEBT.
Ratios that indicate the extent to which debt is being used and how it relates to a company's operations. A high ratio indicates higher risks and perhaps higher returns. Examples include, Debt to Equity, debt to total assets, and fixed charge coverage. Debt ratios are typically important to lenders.
the comparison of a buyer's housing costs to their gross income (housing ratio), and the comparison of a buyer's long-term debt, including housing and monthly debt (total debt ratio). This is a percentage calculation and varies based on loan programs.
Keywords:  analyze, firm, meet, ability, risks
Measures of a firm's ability to meet its long-term debts; used to analyze the risks of investing in the firm.