Definitions for "Direct Voice"
A disembodied voice which does not seem to emanate from any person in a given environment. Commonly associated with seances of the Spiritualist Movement, direct voices seem to come from out of thin air or through a medium's trumpet which was specifically used for this purpose. Sometimes used by paranormal investigators to describe a ghostly voice which is readily heard without the use of electronic enhancement or recording devices. See also "indirect voice", "Instrumental Transcommunication" and "Electronic Voice Phenomena".
the phenomenon of direct voice requires a highly developed form of physical mediumship. Ectoplasm is supplied via the physical medium and blended with elements supplied by spirit, in this case however; the ectoplasm is used by spirit operators to create an instrument, which is capable of vibrating the surrounding air, to such an extent that a spirit voice can be clearly heard through the physical ear.
an isolated voice in space without visible source of agency. It issues mostly from a trumpet which sails about the seance room in the dark and appears to serve as a condenser. With an increase of power the trumpet may be dispensed with and the voice may be heard from the center of the floor or from any part of the room. See DIRECT VOICE.