Definitions for "Fap"
Familial Adenomatous Polyposis. (fa-MIL-yul pah-li-PO-sis) An inherited condition in which numerous polyps (tissue masses) develop on the inside walls of the colon and rectum. This condition increases a person's risk of developing colorectal cancer.
Familial adenomatous polyposis. asyndrome in which a gene mutation that influences the development of colon, rectal, and other cancers is inherited. People with FAP usually have hundreds, and sometimes thousands of pre-cancerous polyps, or growths developing at a very early age. FAP is defined as the presence of more than 100 benign (adenomatous) polyps in the large intestine at one examination. Some people with FAP with a mild version of the disease have less than 100 adenomas; in these individuals the diagnosis is made by family history, or by finding the mutation during genetic testing.
An inherited disorder of the gastrointestinal tract in which there are usually 100 or more precancerous polyps.
Keywords:  fuddled
Abbreviation for: final approach point Fr: FAP
Final Assault Position
Final Assault Point.
Fair Access Policy. A policy that operates on broadband Internet connections to throttle bandwidth when the service level to other users may be threatened.
Stands for fair access policy. Like any broadband connection, a satellite connection is a connection shared by many users. A 'fair access policy' sets a per user cap on download and upload usage over a period of time to ensure that all users get their fair share of bandwidth. WildBlue FAP.
Federal Art Project. A relief project instituted by the United States government in 1935 and continuing through 1943 with the purpose of employing artists who had been affected by the Great Depression to decorate public buildings with art
FEDERAL ARTS PROJECT. A program organized by the U. S. government in 1935 during the Depression designed to employ artists by placing them on the federal payroll and in return having the works they produced, which included murals, photographs, archival drawings, and easel paintings, submitted to the government for use in public buildings. By the time it was dissolved in 1943, the FAP had employed ten thousand artists.
particulate filter SOHC single overhead camshaft
food additive petition
Food Assistance Program. State-funded food stamp program for non-citizens ineligible for federal food stamps as a result of changes in Citizenship / Alien requirements for participating in the food stamp program. See: Program Summary - Food Assistance Program
fixed action pattern. An innate behavior pattern that is stereotyped, spontaneous, and independent of immediate control, genetically encoded, and independent of individual learning.
Keywords:  frontage, action, plan
Frontage Action Plan
FAP is both a three-letter acronym and an onomatopoeia referring to male masturbation.
Keywords:  facial, parameters, animation
Facial Animation Parameters