Definitions for "Fenugreek"
A plant (trigonella Fœnum Græcum) cultivated for its strong-smelling seeds, which are
One of the oldest recorded medicinal plants and one of the most versatile spices. It firms up tissues and organ, soothes, and protects internal membranes. Useful for all mucous conditions and lung congestion. Reduces inflammation and is an overall rejuvenator.
A very hard seed grown in the Middle East, which is used as a spice. Its dominant flavor and aroma is recognizable in commercial curry powders.
Keywords:  phlegm, lecithin, mucus, soothe, ulcers
It has the ability to soften and dissolve hardened masses of accumulated mucus. It expels mucus and phlegm from the bronchial tubes. It also helps to expel toxic waste through the lymphatic system. It has antiseptic properties and kills infections in the lungs. Fenugreek used with lemon juice and honey soothe and nourishes the body and helps to reduce fevers. It contains lecithin, which dissolves cholesterol, and lopotropic substances, which dissolve deposits of fat and prevent fatty accumulation and water retention. It also contains and oil that resembles cod liver oil, vitaminsB1, B2 and B3, cholin, lecithin, and iron.
Helps to soften and dissolve hardened masses of accumulated mucous. Helps to expel toxic waste through the lymphatic system and mucus, phlegm and infections from the lungs. Also contains lecithin, which helps dissolve cholesterol. Contains other lipotropic substances, which helps to dissolve deposits of fat. Rich in vitamins A and D. Also rich in minerals and high in protein.
Aides digestion, assimilation, and elimination of carbohydrates; soothes stomach, lungs, intestines, ulcers, prevents fatty deposits, water retention, infection; rich in Vit. D, A, lysine, tryptophan, & iron.