Definitions for "Indoor air pollution"
The presence of excessive levels of air contaminants inside a home or building from sources such as cigarette smoking, fuel combustion for heating or cooking, certain wallboards, carpets, or insulation as well as the geology of the area (radon in soil or rocks beneath the structure). Emissions are more likely to accumulate in structures having limited air exchange with the outside. Many air pollutants typically have higher concentrations indoors than outdoors.
an invisible or odorless form of gaseous chemicals emitted from furnishings and objects and trapped in poorly ventilated buildings; includes tobacco smoke, dust, paint thinner, cleaners, pesticides, radon gas, smoke from wood burning fireplaces, and chemicals from personal care products; chemicals used in the manufacturing of furniture, paint, carpeting, ink on printed materials, plastic, and dry cleaning solutions that are emitted and can cause headaches, drowsiness, and irritation of the eyes, nose, and throat
Chemical, physical, or biological contaminants in indoor air.