Definitions for "Multipliers"
Multipliers reflect the ratio of total economic impact to direct economic impact. Written as a mathmatical equation: Multiplier = ( Direct Effects + Secondary Effects) / Direct Effects Multipliers reflect business interdependencies within a region. They vary by geographic region as well as by industrial sector. An input-output model such as IMPLAN is often used to calculate slaes, income and employment multipliers.
The additional or second level effects of a programme.
Keywords:  dpe, overhead, personnel, markup, labor
Used to markup costs for labor and expense to determine billing rates and/or marked up cost rates. Labor typically marked up by DPE (Direct Personnel Expense, Overhead and Profit).
Multiplier slot machines have a payout schedule that proportionately increases with the number of coins you play.
Factor applied to a prospective borrower's income to calculate how much can be borrowed.
This is the factor a lender applies to an applicantâ€(tm)s income to work out how much they can borrow. Typically a single applicant would be able to borrow up to 3 times their annual salary.