Definitions for "Ripasso"
(Italy) A brilliant concept for increasing the amount of flavour and interest in basic Valpolicella. The Valpolicella wine is passed over the unpressed but drained must of an Amarone. The bittersweet intensity of the Amarone is imparted, in a small way, to the basic Valpolicella, possibly with the help of a minor secondary refermentation.
(Ree-PAH-soe) - Unusual wine-making practice of Valpolicella, in which wine made during the recent vintage is reserved, then placed atop the pressed grapeskins and lees in the vats just used for Amarone and allowed to ferment further in contact with those skins, thus acquiring additional body, extract and flavor.
The very clever process of passing Valpolicella over unpressed but drained must of Amarone, to add more intense flavours.