Definitions for "Slavery"
A condition of subjection or submission characterized by lack of freedom of action or of will.
An outdated Abortionite sacrament, primarily practiced by the Racist sect in the United States. The choice of holding other human beings in a condition of involuntary servitude.
The most extreme, coercive, abusive, and inhumane form of legalized inequality; people are treated as property.
( Noun) To be under the control and direction of of a Superior or Owner, for the direct benefit of the Superior or Owner. This term always implies force, though some slaves describe themselves as being completely willing to be owned and controlled for the benefit of their Owners. (I call such types Submissives (not really slaves)---because the term "Submissive", being used as a noun, implies willfull submission instead of forced subservience; the latter being what slavery achieves.)
May be used to refer to the present condition of the American People, when ruled by minorities, foreign interests or the privileged. But, better to sidestep altogether when raised about Civil War. If it is denied, you are immediately on the defensive (the Found- ing Fathers owned slaves, are you opposing them?). If you affirm it, you side with a past practice which has been abolished. Best to speak on Nationalism, itself.
the practice of owning slaves
An integral piece of Roman daily life and the economy.
The state of one person being the property of another person. One of the arguments by the Confederacy for slavery was the importance of slaves to the Southern economy. Slavery was known as the "peculiar institution" of the South.
work done under harsh conditions for little or no pay
The state or condition of a slave; an institution that enables human bondage
The holding of slaves.
holding a person as one's property and forcing them to work as a slave
The condition of a slave; the state of entire subjection of one person to the will of another.
the state of being under the control of another person