Definitions for "SSL - Secure Sockets Layer"
SSL refers to the Secure Sockets Layer which allows the transfer of data in a secure environment. it is commonly used for performing secure transactions on the Internet such as in the transmission of customer data and credit card numbers. Through SSL, the transaction data is encrypted and transmitted from the customer to the company's database. The encryption strength of SSL commonly used among web visitors is 128-bit. The higher the number, the stronger the encryption and the harder it is to crack. Back to up
protocol designed by Netscape to assure privacy by encrypting messages, authenticating them, and assuring message integrity for data typically sent between a client's web browser and a host server. Messages sent via SSL use https in the beginning of the URL. Authentication and encryption is achieved by using information from the required Security Certificate that is sent by each partner in this communication to one another. Information from the Security Certificate is used as part of the encrypting code so only the two computers have the key to de-crypt the messages.
SSL is a data encryption protocol used for doing secure transactions on the Internet.