Definitions for "Synergism"
The doctrine or theory, attributed to Melanchthon, that in the regeneration of a human soul there is a coöperation, or joint agency, on the part both of God and of man.
Synergism is from the Greek word [ synergia], meaning, to cooperate with, or to work together. In Christian theology it is the teaching that man's will works together or cooperates with God to accomplish our Salvation. It is based upon one or more of the theories of prevenient grace, all of which are deficient and biblically unsound. [ back
a type of relationship in which two populations accomplish together what neither could accomplish on its own.
The cooperative action of two or more organisms producing a greater total result than the sum of their independent effects; chemicals or muscles in synergy enhance the effectiveness of one another beyond what an individual could have produced.
Pharmacological or toxicological interaction in which the combined biological effect of two or more substances is greater than expected on the basis of the simple summation of the toxicity of each of the individual substances
Cooperative interaction.