Definitions for "Aligot"
Mashed potatoes with tomme (the fresh curds used in making Cantal cheese) and garlic; specialty of the Auvergne.
Aligot is a dish traditionally made in the Auvergne region of France made of melted Tomme cheese blended into mashed potatoes, often with some garlic. Other cheeses - usually not fully ripe - can be substituted for Tomme cheese. The dish is ready when it develops a smooth, elastic texture.
The "other" white wine grape grown in some areas of Burgundy, Chardonnay being the most well known. Usually a medium-bodied, crisp, dry wine with spicy character.
(Ah-lee-go-tay) - Burgundian white-wine grape, considered unimpressive but may turn up in modest white Burgundy of good value.
(ah-lee-go-tay) lesser white wine grape of Burgundy