Definitions for "Biga"
Keywords:  chariot, horse, mules, elephants, drawn
A two-horse chariot.
a chariot drawn by a team of two animals, usually horses.
a chariot pulled by two animals, usually horses, mules, or elephants.
Sponge starter made from flour, water and a small amount of yeast. It is used to give breads a light, chewy crumb.
Biga is a type of sourdough starter used in Italian baking. Many popular Italian breads, including ciabatta, are made using a biga. Using a biga adds complexity to the bread's flavour and is often used in breads that need a light, open texture with holes.
Bus Interface Gate Array. Technology that allows the Catalyst 5000 to receive and transmit frames from its packet-switching memory to its MAC local buffer memory without the intervention of the host processor.