Definitions for "Braun"
Keywords:  epil, razors, silk, electric, makers
makes electric razors and electric epilators like Silk-epil
Makers of electric razors and electric epilators like Silk-epil
the German mistress of Adolf Hitler (1910-1945)
Braun (German pronunciation "brown", English pronunciation "brawn") A.G. is a German consumer products company known for its clean industrial designs. Beginning in the mid-1950s, the company's design staff began producing household products with a Functionalist design—radios, slide projectors, audio equipment, etc.—that are iconic of modern 20th century industrial production, and are prized today as collectors' items.
Onomastics and disambiguational information about the words and place & human names that forms Braun-, Broyn-, Bron-, Brown-, etc...
Keywords:  rocket, missile, army, led, germany
United States rocket engineer (born in Germany where he designed a missile used against England); he led the United States Army team that put the first American satellite into space (1912-1977)