Definitions for "Chomp"
Keywords:  chew, greedily, noisily, champ, loudly
To chew loudly and greedily; to champ.
the act of gripping or chewing off with the teeth and jaws
chew noisily; "The boy chomped his sandwich"
The ; nicknames: Chomps, Chain Chomps, Chain Chompers, Chomp Chomps, Dajut-On-A-Chain; is a video game character from Nintendo's popular Mario and Zelda video game series.
Chomp is a 2-player game played on a rectangular "chocolate bar" made up of smaller square blocks (rectangular cells). The players take it in turns to choose one block and "eat it" (remove from the board), together with those that are below it and to its right. The top left block is "poisoned" and the player who eats this loses.
Eskimo for removing the trailing newline in a string.