Definitions for "Duamutef"
Keywords:  horus, canopic, jackal, jar, son
One of the four sons of Horus. The dog-headed guardian of the canopic jar of the stomach. ALSO SEE HAPI, AMSET AND KEBEHSENUEF.
(Pronounced ‘Dwa-moo-tef' with emphasis on the second syllable.) A Son of Horus, depicted with a jackal's or dog's head. (May be regarded as god of elemental fire.) Sometimes female.
In Egyptian mythology, Duamutef (also known as Tuamutef) was one of the Four sons of Horus and a funerary god who protected the stomach and small intestines of mummified corpses, kept in a canopic jar. He was associated with the jackal and was protected by the goddess Neith. Duamutef is represented as a mummified man with the head of a jackal.