Definitions for "Family Income"
The total combined income for the previous 12 months of the householder and all persons related to the householder by blood, marriage, or adoption who were living in the household as of the date of the first interview. Family income includes income from all sources, such as wages and salaries, net income from own business or own farm, social security, pensions, dividends, interest, rent and any other money income. The income of household members not related to the householder is not included in family income. ( American Travel Survey )
Family income includes all income (taxed and untaxed) for you and your parent/guardian (if you are a dependent student) that is reported on the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA).
The total income earned by a family unit and used for family maintenance. Such income might be earned by more than one family member, such as in a situation where both spouses are employed. (See also: family income policy and family income rider.)