Definitions for "Income Splitting"
This is a tax planning strategy of arranging for income to be transferred to family members who are in lower tax brackets than the one earning the income, thus reducing taxes. Even though attribution rules limit income splitting, there are still a number of legitimate ways to do so, such as through the use of spousal RRSPs.
A simple strategy for couples where investments are put in the name of the partner (husband, wife, de facto) who has the lower income and lower tax bracket. This helps both partners pay lower marginal tax rates.
The transfer of income from a higher-earning family member to one in a lower tax bracket for purposes of reducing the family's overall tax owed. This strategy can be implemented legitimately through the use of a spousal RRSP. For more information and a practical example of income splitting, please click here.
Keywords:  division, flow, people, describe, term
This term is used to describe the division of an income flow between 2 or more people.