Definitions for "HDM"
Keywords:  ndash, haag, delft, hague, girlfriend
Den Haag. The club was founded on February 8, 1908, when students from Delft wanted to play hockey with their girlfriend from The Hague. The first men's team won the Dutch title for the first time in 1924, and again in 1930, 1931, 1935, 1941, 1942 and – for the last time – in 1992.
hot dark matter. A type of dark matter that was moving at close to the speed of light 10,000 years after the Big Bang. An example of a hot dark matter candidate is the massive neutrino. HDM would produce large-scale structures first (supercluster, clusters) which would then fragment into individual galaxies.
High Density Macadam is a continuously graded material with a greater percentage of finer material than DBM. It is less easy to lay but has high resistance to cracking and deformation and has the highest stiffness of the road materials.
Home Delivered Meals. or "Meals On Wheels" - (MOW)delivers nutritionally sound meals five or more days a week to those who cannot purchase their own groceries or prepare meals.
Keywords:  mite, dust, house
House Dust Mite