A term used to describe changes in the shape, attitude or volume of a layer of rock after its formation.
Change of form. A change of shape in a member or combination of members without any breach of the continuity of its parts.
Change of shape or dimension under applied force. See Elastic deformation and Plastic deformation.
alteration in the shape or dimensions of an object as a result of the application of stress to it
the act of twisting or deforming the shape of something (e.g., yourself)
The result when an object does not return to its original form or shape after pressure or stress is removed.
When the shape and structure of a pavement is altered.
A method in which the shape of the foam is altered from its original state through compression or heat.
A change in the position of a point on a photograph, map, manuscript or print from its originally plotted position. This change is the result of differential shrinkage and/or expansion of the film or paper.
The process of changing the dimensions of a structure by applying a force.
represent an alteration in form or structure resulting from mechanical factors.
Undesired modification of the form of a solid body due to force.
Any change in the original form or volume of rock masses produced by tectonic forces.
The modification to the form of a solid body due to force. See also: Elastic deformation Plastic deformation
The process of metal forming the solid material into shape by applying forces to it.
The changing of a form or shape by stress.