The extent to which rubber is permanently deformed by a prolonged compressive load. Should not be confused with low temperature compression set.
A permanent loss of initial height of an FPF sample after compression due to a bending or a collapse of the cell framework within the FPF sample. It is most commonly expressed as a percent of original height.
The deformation remaining in the material after it has been subjected to and released from a specific compressive stress for a definite period of time at a prescribed temperature. Compression set measurement is for the purpose of evaluating creep and stress relaxation properties of rubber.
(Also referred to as set or flat spotting.) The effect on a wheel, under load, after given period of time.
The amount of permanent set a sample has after being compressed a stated amount, at a specific temperature, for a given amount of time and recovery period.
The characteristic of the elastomer to remain permanently deformed after deforming forces are removed. VIBRATHANE roll prepolymers offer a low compression set for excellent dimensional stability in the roll.
The permanent deformation of a material after removal of the compressive stress.
The lingering deformation after removal of the force, which compressed the section. An example is when one uses a fingernail to depress a molded sample; the impression that remains after a time is the compression set.
The amount by which a material fails to return to its original state after being exposed to stress or load.
the amount by which a rubber specimen fails to return to its original shape after release of compressive load
A measurement of a rubber material's return to its initial shape after deformation.
The degree to which a rubber does not recover fully to its original state after it has been compressed for a long period of time. (See also "Measurement of Rubber Properties").
A permanent partial loss of initial height of a flexible polyurethane foam sample after compression due to a bending or collapse of the cell framework within the foam sample. A high value of compression set will cause a flexible polyurethane foam cushion to quickly lose its original appearance with use, leaving its surface depressed or "hollowed out". Compression set is measured in the lab by compressing a foam sample 90% of its thickness (or down to 10% of its original thickness) and holding it at 70 degrees C (or 158 degrees F) for 22 hours. Compression set is most commonly expressed as a percentage of original compression. Other deflections, times, and temperatures can be used.
the amount (in percent of the original strain) that a sample of rubber does not recover after being forced to deform in compression, usually by a fixed strain of 25%, or sometimes by a fixed constant load; considered an indicator of resistance to stress relaxation, but used more as a QC measurement
the deformation which remains in rubber after has been subjected to and released from a specific compress stress for a definite period of time at a prescribed temperature. Cc Compression set measurements are used to evaluate the creep and stress relaxation properties of rubber.
This property is similar to permanent set In that it has a tendency to take a permanent deformation under application of a stress. It is actually a characteristic of liquids and in sometimes referred to as hot-flow or cold-flow. It is measured (1) as the amount by which a standard test piece fails to return to its original thickness after being subjected to a standard compressive load or deflection for a fixed period of time; or (2) as the distance returned relative to the amount deflected.
The amount of permanent set that remains in a specimen after removal of a compressive load.
The deformation that remains in a material after it has been subjected to and released from a specific compressive stress for a definite period of time at a prescribed temperature. Used to evaluate creep and stress relaxation properties.
The deformation which remains in rubber after it has been subjected to, and released from, stress such as a clamp. The longer the stress is maintained the more defined the deformation.
The ability of rubber to return to its original thickness after prolonged compressive stresses at a given temperature and deflection. (ASTM D-395)
Failure of an elastomer to return to original size after release from constant strain.
The amount by which an elastomeric material fails to return to its original size after release from a constant compressive load.