Bending or twisting in a part that was originally straight.
The distortion caused by non-uniform shrinkage within a part. This non-uniform shrinkage is caused by some kind of stress induced during filling, packing, or cooling. Warp is a complex phenomenon and is often caused by the combination of many forces, a few of which are dominant. Do not confuse with distortion; a physical deformation of the article.
Twisting of a printed circuit board out of flat surface, caused by uneven heating or poor support while soldering.
Dimensional distortion in a molded object. Caused by internal stresses via un-even material flow, cooling, and compression.
Dimensional distortion in a composite part.
A non-uniform change in internal stresses resulting in distortion or warp of the material.
in spindles an eccentric motion causes by the fact that the spindle is bent, in an air spindle differential temperature in and on the spindle surface can cause differential expansion or contraction which will cause the spindle to bend
Uneven bending, Twisting etc on account of differential cooling, differential shrinkage, or non uniform freezing of melt in the mould can cause these conditions in the moulded part.
Dimensional distortion is a plastic object after moulding.
Deformation other than contraction that develops in a casting between solidification and room temperature; also, distortion occurring during annealing, stress relieving, and high-temperature service.