Springing back; having a power or inherent property of returning to the form from which a substance is bent, drawn, pressed, or twisted; springy; having the power of rebounding; as, a bow is elastic; the air is elastic; India rubber is elastic.
Able to return quickly to a former state or condition, after being depressed or overtaxed; having power to recover easily from shocks and trials; as, elastic spirits; an elastic constitution.
An elastic woven fabric, as a belt, braces or suspenders, etc., made in part of India rubber.
when a dough is stretched, it recovers (shrinks back to close to its original size)
Ability of materials to recover their original size, shape and volume after deformation.
The tenacity of certain minerals that when put under stress will bend, and will return to their original positions when the stress is released. This term is sometimes referred to as "flexible and elastic". The difference between flexible and elastic minerals is that flexible minerals will not return to their original positions after stress is released, but will develop a new position, whereas elastic minerals will return back to their original position.
1. Loosely woven fabric made with strands of rubber or rubber-like material running through it enabling it to return to its shape after being stretched. 2. The ability to immediately return to its size or shape after being stretched or expanded.
Able to return to its original size and shape after removal of stress.
Certain minerals when put into stress bends and again return back to its original positions as the applied stress is released. This is due to the tenacity in the mineral. Sometimes it is also referred as "flexible and elastic." In case of flexible minerals, they do not return to the original position.
The property of a material which allows it to be stretched substantially and, upon immediate release of the stress, to return with force to its approximate original length. An excellent example is a rubber band; it can be stretched and will return to its original strength many times. If a material can be deformed under stress but will not return to its original shape or dimension, it is not elastic. (See " Flexible" and " Stress Relaxation")
Easily stretched rubber usually prepared in cords, strings or bands. An elastic fiber is usually made of yarns containing rubber.
In the case of snow, capable of returning, to some limited extent, to original shape after being deformed.
a narrow band of elastic rubber used to hold things (such as papers) together
capable of resuming original shape after stretching or compression; springy; "an elastic band"; "a youthful and elastic walk"
Capable of sustaining stress without permanent deformation. Tending to return to its original shape or state when the applied stress is removed.
Any substance that will return to its original shape and size after it has been stretched or squashed.
Stretch Jewellery Cord used for making quick and easy Bracelets and Necklaces.
A substance which returns exactly to its original shape after bending or stretching.
The term used for a fabric or yarn which has the tendency to recover the original form or size after having been stretched. Usually refering to natural rubber elastic or elastomeric filament. See elastomeric.
A constraint that can be streached, but returns to its original position after force is no long applied.
A small rubber band that is hooked between different points on your appliance to provide pressure to move your teeth to their new position.
The ability of a substance to return to its original shape or volume after a distorting force on the substance has been removed.
If the feature of the dream involved snapping elastic or the use of rubber bands, it forecasts a coming request for help which you should try to give.
Woven, stretchable material of rubber or similar material used to create support and fit tightly around a body part.
A term which designates the ability of a yarn to return to its original size or shape after being stretched.
something that returns to it's original shape after being stretched, compressed, or deformed; a rubber band is elastic
The capacity of a material to return to original shape after deflection.
Able to return immediately to the original size and shape after being stretched or squeezed; springy.(Course Material/Ultrasonics/Physics/elasticsolids.htm)
Able to return to its original form after the removal of stress.