Measure of the inherent rigidity or stiffness of a material. For a given geometric configuration, a material with a larger MOE deforms less under the same stress.
The ratio between a type of applied stress (that is, tension, compression, and shear) and the strain that results in the object to which stress has been applied. Elastic modu li—including Young's modulus, shearing modulus, and bulk modulus—are applicable only as long as the object's elastic limit has not been reached.
The proportional constant between stress and strain for material with linear elastic behavior: calculated as stress divided by strain. Modulus of elasticity can be interpreted as the slope of the stress-strain graph. It is usually denoted as E, sometimes known as Young's Modulus Y, or E-Modulus.
The ratio of stress to strain for an elastic material. Also called Young's modulus.
Ratio of stress applied to a material with relation to the deformation amount that results from the application of that stress to the material. The ability of the material, once the stress is removed, to recover its original shape.
Rate of change of strain as a function of stress. The slope of the straight line portion of a stress-strain diagram. Tangent modulus of elasticity is the slope of the stress-strain diagram at any point. Secant modulus of elasticity is stress divided by strain at any given value of stress or strain. It also is called stress-strain ratio.
Same as "Coefficient of Elasticity." -- The ratio of the direct stress per unit of area to the corresponding relative deformation, sometimes called Lineal Modulus. The numerical value is equal to the stress per unit of area in tension that would be required to double the length of a piece, were the material of which it is composed perfectly elastic.
In elastomers, as in steel, this term refers to the ratio of stress to the strain, produced by that stress. Within the region of low strain (up to 15%), an elastomer's stress-strain curve is almost linear and design calculations which assume stress proportional to strain may be made with tolerable error. Strains greater than 15% are far from proportional to stress. Modulus of elasticity in this engineering sense should not be confused with "modulus" which is rubber industry jargon for tensile stress and is applied when strains are much greater than 15%. Elastomers in general have two moduli of elasticity; static and dynamic, in as much as they have the peculiar property of behaving stiffer when vibrated or impacted. The term "modulus" when applied to steel is defined as the slope of the straight line portion of the stress-strain curve. In the case of elastomers, modulus is defined as the stress required to produce a given strain of say 300%, would be called the 300% modulus, and is not useful in calculations.
The ratio of any stress to the resulting strain.
The ratio of stress to corresponding strain throughout the range where they are proportional. As there are three kinds of stresses, so there are three kinds of moduli of elasticity for any material - modulus in tension, in compression, and in shear.
(physics) the ratio of the applied stress to the change in shape of an elastic body
constant ratio of stress to deformation within the elastic range of a material, determined by tensile test, compression test, and bending test; because of the viscoelastic characteristics of plastics, dependence on time is an important consideration
The ratio, within the limit of elasticity, of the stress to the corresponding strain. The stress in pounds per square inch is divided by the elongation in inches for each inch of the original gauge length of the specimen.
Stress per unit strain, measured in psi. The higher the number, the more rigid the item will be for a given load.
A measure of the stiffness of a piece of lumber. The higher the MOE, the stiffer piece.
The ratio of stress to strain below the yield point of the material.
In any solid, the slope of the stress-strain curve within the elastic region; for most materials, the value is nearly constant up to some limiting value of stress known as the elastic limit; modulus of elasticity can be measured in tension, compression, torsion or shear; the tension modulus is often referred to as "Young's modulus. "
The physical measurement of stiffness in a material. A high modulus indicates a stiff material.
The determined ratio of stress versus strain that expresses the measure of elasticity in the hosiery fabric.
A measure of a material's stiffness The constant relating stress (force) and strain (deformation) within the elastic range of a material. The higher the modulus of elasticity, the stiffer the material. Also called elastic modulus and Young's modulus.
(E) - The ratio of stress to strain when deformation is totally elastic; also the measure of stiffness of a material.
A measure of the stiffness of a material. Silicone rubbers have low moduli, whilst silicon and alumina have very high moduli.
Refers to the stiffness of the material. The higher the modulus the stiffer the shaft. Most pump shafts have similar modules numbers. Also called Young's modulus. The relationship of stress to strain. If seal faces have a high modulus they are less likely to distort under pressure.
the ratio of stress to strain for a material under perfectly elastic deformation.
Measures the ration of stress to strain for an elastic material. Modulus of elasticity also describes stiffness of a material.
Mathematical quantity expressing the ratio, within the elastic limit, between a definite range of unit stress on a wire rope and the corresponding unit elongation.
A measure of the resistance of material to deformation. the ratio of normal stress corresponding strain for tensile or compressive stresses below the proportional limit of the material; elastic modulus is denoted by the symbol "2".
The ratio of stress applied to the strain produced in a material that is elastically deformed.
The ratio of stress to strain in an elastic material.
An imaginary stress necessary to stretch a piece of material to twice its length or compress it to half its length. Values for the individual species are given in megapascals (MPa - equivalent to N/m2), and are based on testing small clear pieces of dry wood.
The ratio of stress to strain when deformation is totally elastic; also a measure of the stiffness of a material.
A measure of the rigidity of metal. Ratio of stress, within proportional limit, to corresponding strain. Specifically, the modulus obtained in tension or compression is Young`s modulus, stretch modulus or modulus of extensibility; the modulus obtained in torsion or shear is modulus of rigidity, shear modulus or modulus of torsion; the modulus covering the ratio of the mean normal stress to the change in volume per unit volume is the bulk modulus. The tangent modulus and secant modulus are not restricted within the proportional limit; the former is the slope of the stress-strain curve at a specified point; the latter is the slope of a line from the origin to a specified point on the stress-strain curve. Also called elastic modulus and coefficient of elasticity.
When a material is subjected to an external load it becomes distorted or strained. With metals, provided the loading is not too great, they return to their original dimensions when the load is removed, i.e. they are elastic. Within the limits of elasticity, the ratio of the linear stress to the linear strain is termed the modulus of elasticity or more commonly known as Young's Modulus.
measurement of rigidity or stiffness of a metal product.
One of several measurements of stiffness or resistance to deformation.
It is the ratio of stress to corresponding strain below the proportional limit. Since rigid foams do not conform to Hooke's Law throughout their elastic range, a "tangent modulus of elasticity" is used - the tangent having the slope of the greatest part of the curve that follows Hooke's Law (expressed in psi).
In tension it is the ration of stress to the corresponding strain within the limit of elasticity (Yield Point) of a material. For carbon and low alloy steels any composition and treatment, the value is approximately 30,000,000 psi.
Stress/strain ratio in a plastic material that is elastically deformed.
Force which would be required to stretch a substance to double its normal length, on the assumption that it would remain perfectly elastic, i.e., obey Hooke's Law throughout the twist. The ratio of stress to strain within the perfectly elastic range.
The ratio of the stress applied to the metal to the strain which the stress produces, when the metal is behaving in an elastic manner. If the stress occurs from tensile loading conditions the ratio, the modulus elasticity, is known as Young's modulus (E). It is a measure of the stiffness of the metal.
The number that represents the relative springiness of a given type of metal. All steels have the same modulus of elasticity or springiness regardless of the tensile or yield strengths. That is, until the yield point is reached they all stretch the same amount for a given load.