Definitions for "Kaa"
Keywords:  kipling, rudyard, mowgli, hindi, python
Kaa (Hindi: का) the Indian Python is a fictional animal character in the Mowgli stories of Rudyard Kipling.
Keywords:  upton, wasps, kerosene, ethyl, beetles
a substance consisting of glacial acetic acid, 95% ethyl alcohol and kerosene which is used for fixing large larvae of moths, butterflies, beetles, bees and wasps as it preserves their colour and body marking and prevents shrinkage. The larvae must be placed alive in the fixative. For more information refer to Upton (1991).
Keywords:  kaeni, ukae, sit, stay, live
live, reside, sit; kaeni, you all sit, ukae, you sit
Keywords:  kenya, airports, authority
Kenya Airports Authority
Keywords:  snake, lit
lit. snake