Definitions for "Moroni"
Keywords:  mormon, smith, joseph, prophet, temple
Moroni: the last of a chain of ancient American prophets who wrote, guarded and maintained a set of ancient records concerning God's dealings with the peoples of ancient America. He appeared to the Prophet Joseph Smith on September 21, 1823, and instructed him as to the location of these records and the plan for their translation into the English language. These translations later became the Book of Mormon and the foundational teaching of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints.
A Book of Mormon prophet who was the son of Mormon. He received the record of his people from his father, and after writing a final message he buried the gold plates in a hill until they could be brought forth and translated. He appeared as a resurrected being to Joseph Smith and gave him the gold plates for translation, as well as instruction pertaining to the Restoration of the gospel. A statue of Moroni, with a trumpet to his lips, appears on almost all temples of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. He has come to symbolize the proclaiming of the gospel of Jesus Christ in latter-days to every creature.
A character in the Book of Mormon (son of Mormon). His image is found on top of many LDS temples including the Salt Lake temple.