Definitions for "NNRP"
The Naval Nuclear Regulatory Panel; an independent regulator, within MoD, in relation to the safety of operations undertaken under the NNPP. NNRP has two roles - that of "external" regulator for parts of the NNPP where the civil provisions do not apply, and that of providing MoD with an internal assurance mechanism where they do. NNRP approval of the safety of site-based operations is confirmed by the granting of " Authorisations" which cover both MoD and private sector company activities. Authorisation can therefore be seen as a means of discharging both regulatory and assurance functions
Keywords:  smtp, usenet, hidden, read, reader
Network News Reader Protocol. The standard of commands and data formats used by news reader clients, such as Agent, to read (and post) to a news-server. The actual protocol is hidden from the end-user, as it is with mail (POP/SMTP) and the web (HTTP) etc.
(Network News Reading Protocol) An Internet protocol that handles the transfer of Usenet articles and information between a news server and client like your computer.