Definitions for "Punctum"
See puncta.
(pl. puncta, adj. punctate) ( Erdtman, 1952) A rounded or elongate tectal perforation, less than 1µm in length or diameter. See also: foveola, scrobiculus, tectum perforatum.* Quasisaccus (pl. quasisacci, adj. quasisaccate) ( Meyen, 1988) Synonym of protosaccus.* Quasitectate (adj.) ( Balme, 1988) spore exine in which the outer and inner, more or less homogeneous, layers aer seperated by a clearly defined mesexinous layer of discontinous columellate elements, simulating those that characterise many angiosperm pollen.
(I) Fig. 90 Elements of unknown structure, which appear as 'dots' in the light microscope. Electron microscopy is needed to resolve them into granules on the valve or pores through it. Rows of puncta can be observed on the mantle of some resting spores.
Keywords:  lid, eyelid, tear, drain, duct
Tear drains around the eye. There are two in the upper lid and two in the lower lid.
the opening of either the upper or the lower lacrimal duct at the inner canthus of the eye
a hole on our eye lid margin toward our nose from where our tears drain
Keywords:  minute, opening
a minute opening
Keywords:  point
A point.