Low Impact Development. An approach to environmentally friendly land use planning. It includes a suite of landscaping and design techniques that attempt to maintain the natural, pre-developed ability of a site to manage rainfall. LID techniques capture water on site, filter it through vegetation, and let it soak into the ground where it can recharge the local water table rather than being lost as surface runoff. An important LID principle includes the idea that stormwater is not merely a waste product to be disposed of, but rather that rainwater is a resource.
Local improvement district. A legal district established by state law to benefit a specific area. Districts issue bonds to finance improvements such as sidewalks and sewer systems, then levy assessments on real estate in the affected area to repay funds.
Low Impact Development. A sustainable landscaping approach that can be used to replicate or restore natural watershed functions and/or address targeted watershed goals and objectives.
Local Improvement District (or special assessment district)
Low impact development. An innovative approach to stormwater management and environmental protection that allows for natural drainage on a developed site. LID uses new site planning/design principles, a wide array of management practices and pollution prevention techniques to create an environmentally sensitive landscape.
A Local Improvement District (LID) is an arrangement between property owners in a specified neighborhood (district) that provides for the funding of improvements to that district. Improvements can be to the roadway and drainage (i.e. paving, adding curbs/gutters, or simply chip-sealing). Or it can be for public utilities such as installing a city sewer system. The LID fee is added to your monthly mortgage payment.
A legal entity (district) established under sate law to benefit a certain geographic area. Districts issue bonds to finance real property improvements such as water distribution systems, sidewalks and sewer systems. To repay funds, districts then levy assessments on real estate located in the geographic area affected.
Levy Improvement District. A type of Water Control and Improvement District, used to build and maintain levies. Levies are used to contain flooding creeks and rivers.
Acronym - Levy Improvement District.
LOW IMPACT DEVELOPMENT. The use of site and subdivision design techniques in coordination with stormwater management engineering to mimic the hydrologic conditions associated with an undeveloped site to the greatest extent practicable.