Definitions for "Sëri"
Keywords:  hax, coft, esteban, ejido, desemboque
The Seris are an indigenous group of the Mexican state of Sonora. The majority reside on the Seri communal property (Spanish, ejido), in the towns of Punta Chueca (Seri Socáaix) and El Desemboque (Seri Haxöl Iihom) on the mainland coast of the Gulf of California. Tiburón Island (Tahéjöc) and San Esteban Island (Coftéecöl and sometimes Hast) were part of their traditional territory, but some Seris also lived in various places on the mainland.
The Solar Energy Research Institute, which became the National Renewable Energy Laboratory in 1991.
Solar Energy Research Institute. A federally funded institute, created by the Solar Energy Research, Development and Demonstration Act of 1974, that conducted research and development of solar energy technologies. Became the National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL) in 1991.
Keywords:  marabout, wolof, leader, spiritual
Wolof: marabout, spiritual leader.