Definitions for "Shar"
A Night Wisp who gave its life to accompany Kahlan through the Boundary.
Shar, 'Mistress of the Night', 'Nightsinger', 'Lady of Loss', or 'The Darkness' is a fictional deity in the Dungeons & Dragons Forgotten Realms campaign setting. She is the evil counterpart to her twin sister Selûne, and presides over caverns, dark, dungeons, forgetfulness, loss, night, secrets, and the Underdark. Shar is an ancient goddess, formed together with her sister at the beginning of time, out of the empty nothingness that existed before gods or mortals.
Keywords:  unshar, archive, unix, shell, script
sha Groups of files are often sharred together so that they may be handled as a single file. A file that ends with this extension is probably such a file and will have to be unsharred into its individual components before use. The whole concept of sharring started on UNIX machines, but it is also possible to get programs to shar and unshar on most other computers.
Shell Archive. Shell script that expands into several files.
In the Unix operating system, shar is an abbreviation of SHell ARchive. A shell archive is a shell script, and executing it will recreate the files. Directories are not recreated.
SHibboleth Attribute Requester. The SHAR uses an AQH to request attributes on behalf of the user from their organisation's Attribute Authority.