Definitions for "STX"
This is probably a structured text document. It is like an ordinary text document but utilizes careful structuring to indicate format.
See Start of Text
Structured Text (aka. STX) is a simple markup technique that is useful when you don't want to resort to HTML for creating web content. It uses indenting for structure, and other markup for formatting. Has been superceded by reStructuredText, but a lot of people still prefer the old version, as it's easier to learn and more suited to simple documents. More information in the How-to section of
STX (a contraction of the word "sticks" and pronounced as such but commonly incorrectly said as an acronym, "S-T-X") is a sports manufacturer based in Baltimore, Maryland. It is a subsidiary of Wm. T. Burnett & Co.
Keywords:  exercise, situation, training
situational training exercises
situation training exercise
situational training exercise
Streaming Transformations for XML