A gigantic land mass, with no other large land masses around it. The Pangea supercontinent is an example of one (See : PLATE TECTONICS, GEOLOGIC TIME)
an amalgamation of two or more "typically-sized" continents into one, very large continent. The amalgamation is accomplished by plate conver-gence and the development of suture zones (orogens) where they meet.
a mass of land comprising more than one continental core, or craton
A large landmass that forms from the convergence of multiple continents.
a continental mass that includes several of the cratons of the present-day continents. The last supercontinent (Pangea) broke apart approximately 250 Ma.
The joining together of land masses to form a larger continent, such as Gondwana or Pangea.
A supercontinent is a large continent that is formed by two or more continents. Pangaea was a supercontinent consisting of all of Earth's land masses. It existed during the Permian period through the Jurassic period. It began breaking up during the Jurassic, forming the continents Gondwanaland and Laurasia.
In geology, a supercontinent is a land mass comprising more than one continental core, or craton. The assembly of cratons and accreted terranes that form EurasiaAnd to a lesser extent, the Americas, if taken as a whole qualifies as a supercontinent today.