Definitions for "Zikr"
mention(ing), referring (to), reference (to), naming, specification, stating, indication, indicating, pointing out (to) , citation, citing, remembrance, recollection, reminiscence, memory, reputation, repute, renown, fame, name, standing, credit. [ 'Zikrullaah' : praise , glorification, eulogy, laudation, extolment (of Allah); 'Zikr-Ism-Allaah': invocation of Allah, mention(ing) (utterance, pronunciation) of Allah's Most Beautiful-Best Name. In Sufi ritual consisting of the repetition of words in praise of Allah; 'Zikr-ul-Hakiim' : the Holy Quraan.
Remembrance, narration, mentioning; ‘az-Zikr ul-Hakeem' means the Quran. An incessant repetition of certain words in praise of Allah.