Definitions for "MASS TRANSFER"
Movement of matter.
the transfer of mass into or out of a food system, generally requiring a change in state. Does not refer to moving a product from one place to another. example: removal of water during drying; removal of whey from curds during cooking.
The process of solute movement into and out of the stationary phase or mobile phase. It is represented by the C term of the van Deemter equation and is referred to as the mass transfer term. The faster the process of mass transfer, the better the efficiency of the column. In HPLC, mass transfer is the most important factor affecting column efficiency. It is increased by the use of small particle packings, thin layers of stationary phase, low viscosity mobile phases, and high temperatures.
The moving of mass from one storage unit to another. In the process of soil erosion, masses of soil are moved from a topographically higher point downslope.
A natural phenomenon in which a component travels from a region of high concentration to one of low concentration in order to minimize concentration differences in a mixture.