Definitions for "SDTS"
patial ata ransfer tandard - The latest format to be used by U.S. government agencies to transfer of spatial data between dissimilar computer systems. The SDTS specifies exchange constructs, addressing formats, structure, and content for spatially referenced vector and raster (including gridded) data. MORE
Spatial Data Transfer Standard - A USGS format used for data such as 1:24000 DEMs and DLGs. An SDTS "transfer" consists of multiple files using the .ddf file name extension that usually are packed together into a single .tar.gz file.
Spatial Data Transfer Standards. A FIPS standard (FIPS 173) developed as a mechanism for the transfer of digital spatial data between different computer systems. It specifies exchange constructs, addressing formats, structure, and content for spatially referenced vector and raster data.
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