Extreme reactions in adolescents to social demands for establishing personal identity and independence from family. (Page 30)
An imprecise term referring to emotional or behavioural symptoms that develop in response to an identifiable stressor. Symptoms may include anxiety, depressed mood, and disturbance of conduct.
Adjustment disorder is a state of mixed of emotions such as depression and anxiety which occurs as a reaction to major life events or when having to face major life changes such as illness or relationship breakdown. See also: Treatment
trouble adapting to a common stressor or recovering from trauma.
Development of clinically significant emotional or behavioural symptoms in response to a psychological stressor such as family bereavement or breakup of relationship.
A diagnostic category for maladaptive reactions to identifiable life events or circumstances.
a behavioral response to a stressful event or variation in
a debilitating reaction, usually lasting less than six months, to a stressful event or situation
an exaggerated emotional or behavioral reaction to a
a reaction to an identifiable stressor that occurs within three months after the stressor
a type of mental disorder resulting from
Psychological difficulty in adapting to a different way of life, causing anxiety and/or depressive symptoms.
This diagnosis involves the development of emotional or behavioral symptoms in response to an identifiable stress. It is not as severe a reaction as is found in posttraumatic stress disorder or acute stress disorder.
A maladaptive reaction to an identifiable psychological stressor. May be severe, but is usually resolved by therapeutic intervention or by the passage of time.
Conditions with emotional or behavioral symptoms that are in response to identifiable psychological and social stress.
the development of emotional or behavioral symptoms, such as depression, anxiety, sleeping problems, inappropriate conduct, etc., that is more intense than one would expect from an identifiable stress event. Children with adjustment disorders may experience significant trouble in school and in social situations.
The development of emotional or behavioral symptoms, such as depression, anxiety, sleeping problems, inappropriate conduct that appear in response to an identifiable stress event that are more intense than one would expect from such a stressor. Children with adjustment disorders may experience significant trouble in school and in social situations.
In psychology, adjustment disorder refers to a psychological disturbance that develops in response to a stressor. Adjustment disorders are caused by specific sources of stress, such as severe personal crisis (divorce, death of loved one, recent abuse, recent job changes) or major unexpected negative events (tornado or fire destroys a person's home). The usual symptoms mimic depression, anxiety, or sleep disorder; however the disturbance disorder is short-term and can usually be treated with counseling or mild short-term medication.