Anticipation of danger or misfortune accompanied by intense worry, somatic symptoms, tension and dysphoria.
Feelings of fear and dread when circumstances don't warrant it; includes phobias, panic attacks, obsessive-compulsive disorder and post-traumatic stress disorder.
An unpleasant feeling of fear and apprehension accompanied by increased physiological arousal. In learning theory, it is considered a drive that mediates between a threatening situation and avoidance behaviour. Anxiety can be assessed by self-report, by measuring physiological arousal, and by observing overt behaviour.
feelings of worry, fear, uneasiness, or helplessness possibly caused by many factors.
feelings of apprehension, uneasiness, agitation, uncertainty and fear because of threat or danger.
Apprehension, tension, or uneasiness from anticipation of danger, the source of which is largely unknown or unrecognized.
The apprehensive anticipation of future danger or misfortune accompanied by a feeling of dysphoria or somatic symptoms of tension. The focus of anticipated danger may be internal or external. Anxiety is often distinguished from fear in that fear is a more appropriate word to use when there exists threat or danger in the real world. Anxiety is reflective more of a threat that is not apparent or imminent in the real world, at least not to the experienced degree. See also: Treatment
The emotion of fear linked to the anticipation of future danger or misfortune.
A state of distress or worry about an uncertain event. It can produce feelings and bodily changes that are very similar to fear but which tend to last longer. Anxiety often does not have a specific focus.
A diffuse, highly unpleasant, often vague feeling of apprehension, accompanied by bodily sensations such as pounding heart and sweating. There is an associated anticipation of future misfortune or danger, external or internal.
A vague, unpleasant emotional state involving feelings of apprehension, dread, distress and uneasiness.
Pronunciation: (ang-ZY-uh-tee) Feelings of fear, dread, and uneasiness that may occur as a reaction to stress. A person with anxiety may sweat, feel restless and tense, and have a rapid heart beat. Extreme anxiety that happens often over time may be a sign of an anxiety disorder.
Anxiety is a natural reaction to doubts about one's future health and prosperity. Patients with impairments and disabilities, and their relatives, may well suffer from some degree of anxiety. Very high levels of anxiety are found in POST TRAUMATIC STRESS DISORDER (qv).
uneasiness, a feeling of apprehension; Parks
As with Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder and panic attacks, anxiety and anxiety attacks have been argued to be a natural outgrowth from the ritualistic, perfectionist characteristics of Asperger's.
feeling of apprehension that is similar to fear. Can be in response to a real threat, or when no threat is present.
Understandably, erectile dysfunction triggers profound anxiety in men and their partners. Fear that the condition is psychological, that its a reflection of a man's sexual health and ability and that treatment is unavailable or painful -- have kept many men with erectile dysfunction worldwide from seeking help. A critical first step in relieving these fears and the overwhelming anxiety that can accompany them is discussing the problem with a doctor. Finding out that he is not alone and that treatments are available, can begin to restore a man's confidence and relieve his anxieties.
The Condition"...High-nutrient foods such as vegetables, brown rice, whole grains, seeds and nuts, fruits, poultry, fish, olive oil, and flax seeds/oil can help relieve stress and prevent anxiety..."
A normal, natural emotion experienced by most human beings. However, a youth with an anxiety disorder experiences anxiety more strongly and more readily than others and has excessive worry to a degree that interferes with the rest of his or her life.
The emotion of fear, tension, or uneasiness
Apprehension, tension or uneasiness that stems from the anticipation of danger which may be internal or external. Some definitions of anxiety distinguish it from fear by limiting it to the anticipation of danger from a largely unknown source, whereas fear is the response to a consciously recognized and usually external threat or danger.
A feeling of apprehension, worry or dread. A certain amount of anxiety is normal. Excess anxiety interferes with one's daily life. (see anxiety disorders, anxiety neurosis).
A persisting state of fear that may or may not be associated with a specific object or situation. In generalized anxiety disorder (GAD), for example, the individual experiences nonspecific anxiety symptoms that cause significant social or occupational impairment. In contrast, specific phobias are characterized by intense anxiety responses to specific objects or situations but normal functioning in other contexts.
a mental and emotional state characterized by fear and uneasiness. Anxiety correlates highly with "stress".
Nonspecific, unpleasant feeling of apprehension, discomfort, and, in some cases, dread and impending doom that is manifested physically by such symptoms as motor-tension, autonomic hyperactivity, or hyperattentiveness. Symptoms prompt the person to take some action to seek relief. Anxiety can be communicated interpersonally.
a vague unpleasant emotion that is experienced in anticipation of some (usually ill-defined) misfortune
a short period of strong fear that happens for no reason that you know of
signs and symptoms of fear and excessive concern or worry about a situation that does not justify the degree of fear or concern.
state of uneasiness and apprehension ( Tranquil Mind, Stress Ease)
Is a common mental health problem characterized by fear. The child may be afraid of particular people, things or situations or may just be generally afraid that bad things might happen. An anxious child spends a good deal of time worrying about things.
A condition that causes an unpleasant feeling (ranging from mild unease to extreme fear) about an anticipated event. Physical symptoms may include rapid heartbeat and breathing, muscle tension, and restlessness.
Uneasiness of mind, fearful concerns or interest in a non-specific threat.
A state of painful uneasiness, emotional tension, or emotional confusion.
a sense of apprehension and negative thinking that can be accompanied by many physiological reactions such faster heart beat, sweating, choking sensations, butterflies in the stomach, nausea, muscular tension.
A feeling of being threatened by something that cannot be defined. It is this intense dread with feelings of helplessness which prevents any targeted countermeasures.
This is the term used to describe experiences such as chronic fear, tension and panic attacks. Some people have an overwhelming feeling of dread that prevents them getting on with everyday life. Sleepless nights and recurring thoughts are common, as well as nausea, palpitations, dizziness and difficulty in breathing. Anxiety is the most common mental health problem people experience.
Unpleasurable emotional state associated with psychophysiological changes in response to an intrapsychic conflict; in contrast to fear, the danger or threat in anxiety is unreal. Psychological changes consist of an uncomfortable feeling of impending danger, an overwhelming awareness of being powerless, inability to perceive the unreality of the threat, prolonged feeling of tension, and exhaustive readiness for the expected danger; physiological changes consist of increased heart rate, disturbed breathing, trembling, sweating, and vasomotor changes.
Feelings of nervousness, apprehension, fear or dread.
An overwhelming sense of apprehension and fear often accompanied by physical symptoms such as tension, sweating, or increased pulse rate. Anxiety symptoms are commonly associated with depression. Close Window
Extreme apprehensiveness related to uncertainty.
apprehensive anticipation of future danger. The focus of which can be internal or external. Somatic symptoms include vigilance and scanning, autonomic hyperactivity, increased motor activity and tension.
a state consisting of psychic (dread, apprehension, fear) and somatic (palpitations, tremor, dry mouth, loose stools) symptoms.
anxiety is a state of apprehension or fear, either real or imagined, resulting from anticipation of a threatening event or situation. Many victims of mesothelioma and their loved ones are faced with stress and anxiety.
Anxiety and fear are often used to describe the same thing. When the word "anxiety" is used to discuss a group of mental illnesses (anxiety disorders), it refers to an unpleasant and overriding inner emotional tension that has no apparent identifiable cause. Fear, on the other, causes emotional tension due to to specific, external reason. Anxiety disorders include phobias, panic disorder, obsessive-compulsive disorder and post-traumatic stress disorder. These disorders are severe enough to interfere with social or occupational functioning.
State or emotion related to fear sometimes resulting from stress. Pathological anxiety causes psychological or behavorial blockage or inhibition.
The Condition"...Some common symptoms of anxiety include the following ... Physical symptoms such as sweaty palms, heart palpitations, shortness of breath, nausea or diarrhea, and trouble swallowing..."
a state of intense apprehension, uncertainty, and fear resulting from the anticipation of a threatening event or situation, often to a degree that normal physical and psychological functioning is disrupted
A state of uneasiness, apprehension, worry, or fear about things that may happen in the future.
A debilitating condition of fear, which interferes with normal life functions.
the psycho-physiological effects of anxiety may affect field sobriety test performance.
An uneasy feeling, or a feeling of apprehension
is a condition of worry, tension, or uneasiness produced by the anticipation of some danger whose source is largely unknown.
feeling of tension or uneasiness, distress
feelings of fear, apprehension and worry with physical feelings of chest pain, shortness of breath, and palpitations.
A state of apprehension, uncertainty, and fear resulting from the anticipation of a realistic or fantasized threatening event or situation, often impairing physical and psychological functioning.
A global apprehensiveness related to uncertainty.
Mental discomfort that arises from the fear of anything, real or imagined. May have a potent effect on actions and the ability to learn from perceptions.
having "nerves" or feeling very nervous.
a state of apprehension, uncertainty and fear resulting from the anticipation of a threatening or negative event or situation, often impairing physical and psychological functioning and reasoning.
A feeling of apprehension and fear characterized by physical symptoms such as palpitations , sweating, and feelings of stress . Anxiety disorders are serious medical illnesses that affect approximately 19 million American adults. These disorders fill people's lives with overwhelming anxiety and fear. Unlike the relatively mild, brief anxiety caused by a stressful event such as a business presentation or a first date, anxiety disorders are chronic, relentless, and can grow progressively worse if not treated. See the entire definition of Anxiety
a sense of apprehension and fear often marked by physical symptoms (such as sweating, tension, and increased heart rate)
A normal feeling people experience when faced with threat or danger or when stressed. For example people get anxious before an exam or doing assignments for school or university. Someone with an anxiety disorder expereinces severe levels of stress.
tension, internal or external, due to anticipatory danger (e.g. shoe sale)
Sense of fear, nervousness, and continual stress.
Anxiety is a complex combination of the feeling of fear, apprehension and worry often accompanied by physical sensations such as palpitations, chest pain and/or shortness of breath. It may exist as a primary brain disorder or may be associated with other medical problems including other psychiatric disorders.
A feeling of apprehension, often characterized by feelings of stress.
A feeling of apprehension, fear, nervousness, or dread accompanied by restlessness or tension. apathy Lack of interest, concern, or emotion.
A feeling of unease and fear that can involve physical symptoms such as palpitations, sweating and feelings of stress.
Feelings of dread about the future or future events. Typically, anxiety is a learned response in our family of origin.
Recommendation Aerobic Exercise"...Exercise may trigger a neurophysiological high that produces an antidepressant effect in some, an antianxiety effect in others, and a general sense of "feeling better" in most..."
Our Question about facial burning or tingling"Anxiety conditions can cause adrenaline surges which result in tingling of the face, as well as other parts of the body..." Relationship to Magnesium Requirement"Magnesium deficiency causes increased levels of adrenaline, which can lead to a feeling of anxiety..."
an unpleasant feeling of tension and apprehension. It is often accompanied by physiological, psychological and behavioural symptoms that alerts people to an impending real or symbolic threat to self.
Anxiety is an unpleasant feeling when you feel worried, uneasy or distressed about something that may or may not be about to happen.
Apprehension of danger, or dread, accompanied by nervous restlessness, tension, increased heart rate, and shortness of breath unrelated to a clearly identifiable stimulus.
A feeling of nervousness, uneasiness, apprehension or dread.
Anxiety is an unpleasant complex combination often accompanied by physical sensations such as heart palpitations, nausea, chest pain and/or shortness of breath, tension headache, and feelings of inner nervousness.