an often painful calcium deposit on found on the bone. Most commonly it is found on the heel, but can be found on any bone including neck, spine, arms and legs.
a another term for osteophytes
a bone growth that is actually formed on the existing bone
a bony growth often associated with osteoarthritis
a bony projection that form along joints
a Calcium outgrowth that many times appears in response to prolonged pressure and friction to the bone in the afflicted area
a knobby, abnormal bone growth
an excess growth of bone around a vertebral body
an excess growth of bone around the vertebral body
an outgrowth that projects from the bone
a pointed growth on a bone
A bony outgrowth. A calcium deposition which can be part of the body's response to abnormal motion or position of bones in the spine or elsewhere.
Bony growth or rough edges of bone.
An extra calcium deposit in response to injury, disease or incorrect motion of position of a joint.
Bone spurs, also known as osteophytes, are bony projections that form along joints. Bone spurs form due to the body's increase of a damaged (usually due to arthritis) joint's surface area in a futile attempt to improve weight distribution. However, they usually limit joint movement and typically cause pain.