Definitions for "Canopus"
Canopus is the name of an Argentinian sounding rocket. The Canopus rocket was launched as a sounding rocket under the name Canopus 2 and as the first stage of the Rigel between 1969 and 1973. The maximum flight altitude reached by the Canopus was 150 kilometres; its launch mass was 300 kilograms and its length four metres.
Canopus (also Opération Canopus in French) was the code name for France's first two-stage thermonuclear test, conducted on August 24, 1968 at Fangataufa atoll.
A star of the first magnitude in the southern constellation Argo.
Keywords:  toolkit, descriptive, kind, model, code
Toolkit for generating various kind of code from single descriptive model.
Keywords:  opportunity, employer, equal
an Equal Opportunity Employer