Definitions for "Echinoderms"
(crinoids, blastoids, starfishes, sea lilies, and sea urchins) Sea animals covered with calcite plates or spines. They could be free-swimming or found attached to the sea bottom. They usually have a five-fold radial symmetry.
a large group of invertebrates that have radial symmetry and no heads (Phylum Echinodermata). All are marine and benthonic (live on or in the bottom). They have an internal skeleton and a special network of water-filled canals that move their tube feet. Sea stars, sea urchins, and sea cucumbers are all echinoderms.
A group (phylum) of marine invertebrates with skeletal plates in the skin and often five axes of symmetry; eg. sea urchins, sea cucumbers, sea stars and sea lilies.