Definitions for "Epona "
In Roman mythology, Epona was the goddess of horses, donkeys, mules. She was particularly a goddess of fertility, as shown by her attributes of a patera, cornucopia, and the presence of foals in some sculptures (Reinach, 1895). According to the French historian BenoƮt (1950), she was also a psychopomp, accompanying souls to the land of the dead, although this interpretation is disputed. The worship of Epona was widespread between the first and third centuries CE.
(possibly Roman mythology) Celtic goddess of horses and mules and asses
Keywords:  irc, ircds, dreamforge, bahamut, unreal
Epona is a set of IRC services which work with the DreamForge, Bahamut, Ultimate, and Unreal IRCds. It features an original service which allows people to have a bot on their channel, user-friendly nickname management through groups, and a proxy detector.
Epona is an open source Internet Relay Chat services package released under the GNU General Public License. It is designed to work under most Unix-like operating systems running compatible IRC daemons.