The minimum velocity at which an object must be moving in order for it to overcome the gravitational attraction of a massive celestial body, such as the earth or the sun, and escape beyond its gravitational field into free space. The velocity is calculated as though attained instantaneously at the surface of the celestial body, and is pointed directly away from its center, and neglecting effects of atmospheric friction. Rockets, which accelerate gradually and are moving rapidly at a high altitude when their fuel is exhausted or their engines shut off, may escape even if moving slightly slower at that point than the surface escape velocity. Compare orbital velocity.
The speed necessary to escape the gravity of a massive body
The velocity required for an object to escape the gravitational field of a body such as a planet .In a more technical sense, the escape velocity is the velocity at which the kinetic energy of the object equals its gravitational potential energy; if the object moves any faster, its kinetic energy exceeds its potential energy, and the object can escape the gravitational field.
The escape velocity is how fast an object has to be moving away from a planetary object in order to escape its gravitational field.
The vertical speed a particle must attain in order to escape from the gravitational field of a planet or star. The space shuttle can be viewed as a particle and must attain 17,000mph to escape the earth’s gravitational pull.
the speed that any object must acquire in order to escape from a planet's gravitation
The minimum speed necessary to escape the gravitational pull of a celestial body. A rocket launched from Kennedy Space Center must accelerate to about 17,500 mph to enter orbit, or about 25,000 mph (11.2 km/second) to escape Earth's gravitational pull and travel to another planet. For a black hole, the escape velocity is greater than the speed of light. Since lightspeed is the ultimate cosmic speed limit, nothing can achieve the speed needed to escape from a black hole.
The velocity required for a spacecraft to escape the earth's gravitational pull and travel in outer space
the minimum velocity needed to escape a gravitational field
the speed an object needs to move away from another body in order not to be pulled back by its gravitational attraction. Mathematically the escape velocity, v, is defined as ((2GM)/(R)) where M is the body's mass, R, is its radius and G is the gravitational constant.
the required speed of an object to escape another body (such as a planet), reaching a velocity of zero at infinity
THe minimum speed needed to allow an object of small mass (e.g. a space probe) to escape the surface gravity of an object of larger mass is called escape velocity.
The speed necessary for an object to escape the gravitational pull of an object. Anything that moves away from the object with more than the escape velocity will never return.
The precise velocity necessary to escape from a given point in a gravitational field. A body in a parabolic orbit has escape velocity at any point in that orbit. The velocity necessary to escape from the Earth's surface is 6.95 miles/sec. (11.2 km/sec.).
the minimum velocity that will allow an object to escape from a gravitational field.
The velocity needed to escape from the surface of a body
The minimum speed necessary to escape the gravitational pull of a celestial body. For example, a rocket launched from Kennedy Space Center must accelerate to at least 11.18 km/s, or 18,300 m.p.h. to escape Earth's gravitational pull.
the initial speed an object needs to escape a massive body's gravitational influence and never return.
the velocity required to escape entirely from the gravitational field of an orbit; also the minimum impact velocity for any body arriving from a very great distance.
The minimum speed needed for an object to escape the gravitational pull of a massive object.
(Or escape speed.) The minimum speed that an object directed radially outward from an astronomical body must have in order to escape its gravitational attraction. The escape velocity for an object at a distance from the center of a spherically symmetric body is where is the corresponding acceleration due to gravity. For equal to the radius of the earth and its surface acceleration due to gravity, the escape velocity is about 11 200 m s−1. The earth retains its atmosphere only because this escape velocity is appreciably larger than the mean speed of air molecules.
Minimum speed necessary to escape permanently from the gravitational field of a body.
The velocity required by an object to escape the gravitational pull. The gravitational attraction of a black hole is so great that an object would need to be travelling faster than the speed of light in order to escape. That is why black holes are essentially invisible, even light cannot travel fast enough to escape the immense pull of the gravity of a black hole.
The minimum velocity required for an object to escape the gravity of a massive object.
In physics, for a given gravitational field and a given position, the escape velocity is the minimum speed an object without propulsion needs to have to move away indefinitely from the source of the field, as opposed to falling back or staying in an orbit within a bounded distance from the source. The object is assumed to be influenced by no forces except the gravitational field; in particular there is no propulsion, as by a rocket, there is no friction, as between the object and the Earth's atmosphere (these conditions correspond to freefall) and there is no gravitational radiation. This definition may need modification for the practical problem of two or more sources in some cases.
Escape Velocity is a BBC Books original novel written by Colin Brake and based on the long-running British science fiction television series Doctor Who. It features the Eighth Doctor and Fitz and introduces the new companion of Anji Kapoor. This book completes the story arc in which the Doctor was trapped on Earth for a hundred years.
Escape Velocity is a band which was formed in Lynchburg, Virginia by members Michael Chagnon, Aaron Horton, and Dustin West. The band plays alternative rock music, and cites as its influences Weezer, Rufus Wainwright, Of Montreal, Ozma, Beulah, and The Beatles. The band describes its sound as "Rufus Wainwright singing Beatles melodies with the hard, but quirky edge of Weezer".