The force that keeps you pinned to your seat and keeps the planets in orbit around the Sun. It could be carried by a gague boson called a graviton. Also, it is the weakest force to act on particles, so its effects are only measurable with extremely large objects. See also: graviton, gague boson
The force that occurs as a result of the attraction between objects due to their masses.
the weakest of the four fundamental forces of nature. Described by Newton's universal theory of gravity, and subsequently by Einstein's general relativity.
One of the four fundamental forces. An inverse square law which causes interactions between all matter. It acts over an infinite range, by graviton exchange. It is a very weak force, being only observable in large bodies of matter.
The (always attractive) force that holds matter together on a large scale, such as stars within galaxies, atoms within stars, and people on Earth.
the force or mutual attraction exhibited between two masses. First proposed by Newton and then revised in Einstein's General Relativity. Gravity obeys the inverse square law. Gravity's gauge boson is the graviton(0 mass, 0 charge).
Any two objects with mass attract each other with a type of force known as a gravitational force. The strength of this force depends upon the mass of the two objects and the distance between them. For objects with masses as large as the earth and the sun, these forces are sizeable and have tremendous influence upon the subsequent motion. For objects such as two persons sitting in a theater, the force of gravitational attraction is so small that it is insignificant. In order for such persons to increase the force of attraction between them, they must add to their mass (maybe by eating more popcorn). Objects on the earth experience noticeable attractions with the earth due to the earth's large mass.
(physics) the force of attraction between all masses in the universe; especially the attraction of the earth's mass for bodies near its surface; "the more remote the body the less the gravity"; "the gravitation between two bodies is proportional to the product of their masses and inversely proportional to the square of the distance between them"; "gravitation cannot be held responsible for people falling in love"--Albert Einstein
The gravitational force acts between all objects that have mass. Your weight is the gravitational force between yourself and the Earth. Gravity
The attractive force between all masses in the universe. All objects that have mass possess a gravitational force that attracts all other masses. The more massive the object, the stronger the gravitational force. The closer objects are to each other, the stronger the gravitational attraction.
One of the four fundamental forces, attraction between two objects due to their mass. Heisenberg, Werner 1901-1976, discovered the Uncertainty Principle, Nobel Prize 1932.