Definitions for "frameshift"
of, pertaining to, or causing a type of mutation consisting of the insertion or deletion of one or more nucleotides in the nucleic acid structure of a gene, when the number of base pairs inserted or deleted is not a multiple of three. If the addition or deletion occurs in multiples of three, the unaffected nucleotides in the genome remain in the proper order ("frame") to be correctly translated into protein; in such cases of insertions or deletions not causing a frame shift, a functional though altered protein may be produced by the organism. Frameshift mutations cause more profound changes in the composition of the protein resulting from translation of the mutated gene.
Frameshifts are mutations caused by deletions or insertions that are not a multiple of 3 base pairs. They change the frame in which triplets are translated into protein. Defined as key term in Genetics 1.4.2 The anatomy of mutation and impacts on coding sequences Genetics 2.6.7 Mutagenesis can be used to increase the frequency of a desired mutation to a detectable level Molecular Biology—Essentials 1.2.9 The genetic code is triplet Molecular Biology 1.1.21 The genetic code is triplet
Mutation-one or more paired nucleotides are inserted or deleted in coding region of a gene, which causes the triplet codons to be read in the wrong frame of the entire sequence downstream of the mutation, the resulting polypeptide has a garbled amino acid sequence from the mutated codon on.  May be induced by mutagens or spontaneously.
Frameshift is a progressive rock/metal band led by Henning Pauly. The first album, Unweaving the Rainbow is a concept album based on the work of Richard Dawkins, a scientist and writer, and features Dream Theater vocalist James La Brie. The second concept album, An Absence of Empathy, features Sebastian Bach and other musicians.
Plasmid Villus Polymerase Virion
Keywords:  phantom, vivo, phenotypes
Phantom Vivo Phenotypes