A series of overlapping wars and conflicts which followed the World Storm and involved almost all nations.
Earth war that lasted from 1914-1967 resulting in the United States and Great Britain ruling a peaceful, unarmed world. [MMa
a post-apocalyptic war with an interdimensional Empire, who used Satan as a puppet. The Empire came into ruin as a result of EVIL's efforts. After the war, EVIL was disbanded.
also "World War I" and "The War To End All Wars," conflict that ushered in the 20th century, seen by many as a "great cleansing fire" that would lead to a better world
Anorian term for the invasion of Anoria by the kingdom of Mordin in the 9th century. The Mordinese occupied western Anoria completely by the end of the second year, but were forced to fight a guerilla war for the remainder of the 10-year war. Western Anoria formed an alliance which held together for the duration of the war, but dreams of empire failed when the alliance split up after a hasty Mordinese retreat.
a war between the allies (Russia, France, British Empire, Italy, United States, Japan, Rumania, Serbia, Belgium, Greece, Portugal, Montenegro) and the central powers (Germany, Austria-Hungary, Turkey, Bulgaria) from 1914 to 1918
The name used by the Netherworld (qv) for the war started by Deus Lupus to unite the Netherworld and humanity. It started shortly after World War One ended when Deus Lupus had his “vision” of a unified world. It ended in 2000 CE when Deus Lupus was killed by Pureblood-Morph Chelsea Chattan. See also Chelsea Chattan, Marcus Lupus Ferox/Deus Lupus.
Great War is an alternate history trilogy by Harry Turtledove, which follows How Few Remain. It is part of Turtledove's Timeline-191 series of novels.