The retrovirus isolated and recognised as the aetiologic (i.e., causing or contributing to the cause of a disease) agent of AIDS. HIV-1 is classified as a lentivirus in a subgroup of retroviruses.
1. The retrovirus isolated and recognized as the etiologic agent (cause) of AIDS. HIV-1 is classified as a lentivirus in a subgroup of retroviruses. See Lentivirus; Retrovirus. Most viruses and all bacteria, plants, and animals have genetic codes made up of DNA, which uses RNA to build specific proteins. The genetic material of a retrovirus such as HIV is RNA. HIV inserts its own RNA into the host cell DNA, preventing the host cell from carrying out its natural functions and turning it into an HIV "factory."
The virus which is thought to cause most cases of Aids. Infection occurs when the virus inserts its own genetic material into a host cell, preventing it from carrying out its natural functions and turning it into an HIV factory. Click here to return to list
The retrovirus isolated and recognized as the cause of AIDS. HIV-1 is classified as a lentivirus in a subgroup of retroviruses. The genetic material of a retrovirus such as HIV is the RNA itself. HIV converts its RNA into DNA and inserts into the host cell's DNA, preventing the host cell from carrying out its natural functions and turning it into an HIV factory.
The probable cause of AIDS. A human retrovirus of the lentivirus family, notable for long duration of asymptomatic infection, often followed by progressive deterioration of cell mediated immune function, and eventual opportunistic infection and neoplasm. The median time for an HIV infected individual to develop full clinical AIDS is probably over ten years.(formerly called HTLV III or LAV).
The retrovirus that causes or contributes to the disease known as AIDS.