Definitions for "Inlining"
Also referred to as an "IMG link". A type of HTML "hyperlink", which is used to display graphic files on one website that are in fact stored on another website (usually without mentioning the "source" website or its URL). This technique is mainly used in order to save memory space.(FR:Inlining, IT:Inlining)
The practice of putting an IMG tag in a web page that calls a graphic from another site. Many sites, particularly those offering free storage, now view this as bandwidth theft and block remote IMG calls from other sites to their site. It is particularly bad netiquette and very likely a copyright violation to display a graphic called from someone else's web page.
The act of displaying a graphic file from another company's website. For example, inlining occurs if a user at site A can, without leaving site A, view a "cartoon of the day" featured on site B.
A feature of procedures and methods that improves performance by eliminating the overhead of calling the procedure or method. When you declare a procedure to be inlineable, you must also declare it to be stable. See also stability declaration.
An optimization that replaces a subprogram reference ( CALL statement or function invocation) with the replicated code of the subprogram.
function calls involve changing the stack pointer and program counter registers, passing arguments, and allocating space for results. This means almost the entire state of the CPU itself is saved then restored at each function call. CPUs are designed with this in mind and do all of this very quickly, but additional speed can be gained by inlining, or integrating the called function into the caller. The called function then uses the caller's stack to store local variables and can (when semantics allow) make direct references to parameters rather than copies.
Keywords:  expansion, see
See inline expansion.