An order of priests known for their ability to found colleges with good basketball teams.
The popular name for the monastic order called the Society of Jesus. The order was founded by Ignatius de Loyola in 1534, and was recognized by the pope in 1540. The mission of the Jesuits was in three areas: teaching, service to the nobility, and missionary work in foreign lands. Their greatest mark was made in education, and the Collegio Romano was their primary seminary.
(English) An order of Catholic priests; Jesuits were leaders in founding schools in Spanish America, educating both Amerindians and the Creole and Spanish elite. They first arrived in Perú in 1568, and in New Spain in 1572. See also regular orders.
Jesuits are members of a religious order called la Compagnie de Jésus, which was founded by Ignatius of Loyola in 1534. The Jesuits arrived in New France after the Récollets. These two orders both answered the invitation of Samuel de Champlain, who wanted the peoples of Canada to be converted to catholicism.
A monastic order ("The Society of Jesus") founded by Ignatius Loyola to ruthlessly resist the spread of Protestantism by any means
the Society of Jesus, they were extraordinary teachers, missionaries, and agents of the pope. (p. 681)
members of the Society of Jesus, founded by Ignatius Loyola and approved by the papacy in 1540, whose goal was the spread of the Roman Catholic faith through humanistic schools and missionary activity. The Society stressed "modern" methods in its works, and by 1600 numbered over 8,500 members; it was not founded to oppose the Reformation. (p. 482)
A new religious order founded during the Catholic Reformation; active in politics, education, and missionary work; sponsored missions to South America, North American and Asia. (p. 526)