A gland which secretes the hormones involved with ovulation.
Related Topic"The pituitary gland is a small (half-inch), bean-shaped organ that hangs down from the lower center of the brain on a stalk attached to another gland, the hypothalamus..."
An endocrine organ located at the base of the skull in the sella turcica (" turkish saddle"), and connected to the hypothalamus by a thin stalk. image
a small gland at the base of the brain that supplies hormones that control many body processes including the production of testosterone by the testis
Gland in the base of the skull which secretes hormones necessary for the regulation of various bodily systems.
This is an endocrine gland located in the base of the brain. It secretes hormone that influences the growth and activity of other endocrine glands.
The “master†gland of the endocrine system. The pituitary releases hormones that control the other major glands of the endocrine system. Made up of the anterior and posterior pituitary. Controlled by the hypothalamus.
Gland at base of the brain which secretes hormones into the blood stream. Those hormones then regulate other glands including the thyroid, adrenals and gonads. The "Master Gland".
Also known as the hypophysis, a gland at the base of the brain with two functionally distinct lobes involved in regulating growth, metabolism, and maturation.
Pituitary tumors occur in a specialized part of the bottom of the brain. They may or may not result in increased stimulation of various hormones (especially cortisone from the adrenal glands). Signs (increased water consumption and hair loss, among others) may be from overproduction of hormones or related to pressure on the brain causing blindness, seizures or change in personality. Treatment may involve medical management of symptoms or radiation of the tumor itself (especially if large, and causing clinical signs).
Latin pituita = mucous or phlegm, the gland was thought to produce mucous that discharged through the nose.
Small gland at the base of the brain that responds to chemical signals from the hypothalamus region of the brain, and secretes several key hormones. Some researchers believe that the pituitary may contain an "aging clock" that can be reset through supplementation and hormone replacement therapy. [See Aging Clock
A gland at the base of the brain. Hormones released from the hypothalamus stimulate the pituitary to secrete hormones that regulate various bodily functions, including ovulation in women and sperm production in men
pituita = phlegm, snot; gland at base of brain thought to be responsible for nasal secretion, via perforations in cribriform plate of ethmoid (Vesalius, c. 1560).
A gland located at the base of the brain which produces hormones that regulate endocrine activity. Pituitary hormones affect the adrenal glands, thyroid, kidneys, and sexual glands.
the gland that lies at the base of the brain and controls growth, the ovaries and testes, the thyroid, adrenal glands and milk production
the main endocrine gland, which produces hormones that control other glands and many body functions.
The pituitary gland is a small gland attached to the brain as part of the endocrine system. A gland is a group of cells that makes and then releases special chemicals called hormones. The pituitary gland makes different hormones that affect how other glands in the system release their hormones. Among other hormones, the pituitary makes growth hormone and endorphins, special chemicals that help provide natural pain relief from within the body.
A gland at the base of the brain, stimulated by a portion of the brain called the hypothalamus, that secretes hormones that work elsewhere in the body (e.g., ACTH, FSH, LH, TSH, prolactin).
endocrine gland at the base of the brain that secretes a variety of hormones many of which affect other endocrine glands. The major hormones of the pituitary that affect the reproductive system are Follicle Stimulating Hormone (FSH), Luteinising Hormone (LH) and prolactin. The pituitary is divided into the anterior (front) and posterior (back) pituitary. Known as the conductor of the endocrine orchestra. Known to use vitamin B6 and zinc.
A small gland attached to the base of the brain in vertebrates. Its hormones control the activities of other glands. Also known as the hypophysis.
Small gland in the brain which produces FSH and LH.
A gland located at the base of the human brain that secretes a number of important hormones related to normal growth and development and fertility.
gland at the base of the brain that regulates the level of neurohormones produced in the hypothalamus
(pih-TOO-ih-tahr-ee) gland A small, functionally important endocrine gland located inferior to the hypothalamus and attached to it by way of a short stalk. Also called the hypophysis.
A small gland at the base of the brain that secretes the hormones involved with a number of bodily functions, including growth, sexual maturation, and ovulation.
A hormone producing glad located at the base of the brain.
As an adjective, pertaining to the pituitary gland or its hormonal secretions. As a noun, the pituitary gland itself.
A very small endocrine gland located beneath the hypothalamus. The gonadotropic hormones FSH and LH are produced by and released from the pituitary gland in response to GnRH from the hypothalamus.
Small gland in the middle of the brain. The pituitary produces some of our most important hormones, e.g. growth hormone and ACTH (a hormone that controls production of cortisone). Diseases of the pituitary therefore may have serious consequences.
Part of the brain which produces hormones which stimulate the testicles to produce testosterone (male hormone) and other hormones.
A small gland located at the base of the brain that performs many functions, including regulating production of thyroid hormone.
"Master" gland attached to the base of the brain that secretes hormones.
The small gland at the base of the brain that helps regulate the supple of hormones in the body.
A gland at the base of the brain that releases FSH and LH as well as other hormones.
Relating to or produced by the pituitary gland.
Called the "master gland of the body," the pituitary is a key endocrine gland situated at the base of the brain. The pituituary secretes several important hormones which regulate other endocrine glands and various physiological processes within the body.
A very small and very important gland in our bodies. About the size of a pea, it is just below the brain and just behind the top of the nose. When the brain tells it to, the pituitary gland sends growth hormone to our bones and causes us to grow.
An endocrine gland located at the base of the brain, in the small recess of a bone - certain sections of the pituitary each secretes important hormones including growth hormone (GH) and antidiuretic hormone (ADH).
Gland with internal secretion that is responsible for syntesis of 10 hormones (known).
A bi-lobed endocrine gland located at the base of the brain that secretes several critical hormones for the regulation of other endocrine glands, including the secretion of TSH for stimulation of the thyroid. The pituitary is regulated by the neurohormones from the hypothalamus.
The pituitary gland is small and bean-shaped, located below the brain in the skull base very near the hypothalamus. Weighing less than one gram, the pituitary gland is often called the "master gland" since it controls the secretion of hormones by other endocrine glands.
The main hormone producing gland of the deersâ€(tm) bodies, it also has the jobs of controlling antler growth and stimulating the onset of estrus, etc.