reducing the risk of passing on Sexually Transmissable Infections ( STIs) or having an unplanned pregnancy when having vaginal contact. It means using a condom every time you have vaginal or anal intercourse. It can also mean other sexual activities eg. stroking, massaging, mutual masturbation, and knowing your limit if you are drinking or taking drugs.
Sexual activity in which safeguards are used. Using a condom is one safeguard which can be used to help protect a person from a sexually transmitted infection, although condoms cannot protect a person from all sexually transmitted diseases.
A term often referring to sexual activity that reduces the risk for HIV transmission. A broader definition might include relations that lower the risk for disease, unintended pregnancy, violence, coercion, or abuse of power.
Sexual activities that do not involve the exchange of bodily fluids. Used to prevent the transmission of diseases such as HIV.
Sexual activity conducted in such a way that transmission of HIV infection is minimized by reducing the exchange of body fluids (eg, consistent use of condoms, avoiding unprotected vaginal and anal intercourse).
Sexual behaviour that prevents the transmission of the HIV virus between partners. It is usually specified as preventing the exchange of blood, semen, and vaginal secretions. Seroconversion. The initial development of antibodies specific to an antigen. For HIV, seroconversion is believed to occur six to eight weeks after infection.
sexual activities that reduce or eliminate the exchange of body fluids that can transmit HIV (e.g., semen, vaginal or cervical fluid), often by means of barriers (e.g., latex condoms, gloves, dental dams).
sex that lessens the risk of contracting a sexual disease i.e. using a condom.
sexual practices that decrease the risk of sexually transmitted infections
any sexual activity that involves no exchange of body fluids.